Why We Should Wear KF94 Mask?
What are KF94 masks exactly?
In the disposable mask market, N95 is the most well-known type. N95 masks have been popular since the early stages of the pandemic in 2020. But, according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, they are already reserved for healthcare workers, so lack of stock in most of the countries. Instead, a vast of people turn to KN95 masks, which is Chinese mask level similar to N95. However, in the real market, there are so many counterfeit masks so that let people get hard to find quality masks. Now, a volume of people rather chose KF94 masks, the Korean mask level equivalent to N95s.
KF94 mask are the South Korean equivalent of the N95. The "KF" stands for "Korean Filter", and the "94" means that according to South Korean government standards, it is 94% effective at filtering out airborne particles.
The KF94 mask guarantees an average particle size of 0.4μm to be blocked by more than 94%. The rate of air leaking through the gap when worn is less than 11.0%, and the pressure on the mask when inhaling is less than 70Pa, which is very efficient. KF94 is a mask grade that can protect respirators from harmful particulate matter such as yellow dust and fine dust and infectious sources.
How does a KF94 mask compare to an N95 mask or a KN95 mask?
According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA), N95 masks filter out at least 95% of airborne particles. Similarly, KN95 masks are the Chinese equivalent of N95 masks. KF94 masks are similar, but offer 94% filtration.
Where to buy?
Hancom Healthcare, a subsidiary of Hancom Lifecare who has more than 40 years of history in the personal protective equipment (PPE) industry, has manufactured quality KF94 masks. O2wear PURACE KF94 Mask, the main product of the company, has been used in USA election vote counting 2020, Washington State, Seattle Fire Department and various references.
It is available here now! Just click here to buy it!